Welcome to my web
page! If you've visited this page before, hit F5 on your keyboard to see the most recent updates. Welcome to my little corner of the web, my shrine to the pre-Web 2.0 days. This page is currently (constantly) under construction and this is just a bunch of filler garbage to give me a better idea on what I'm working with.
This page was initially created with Microsoft FrontPage 98, on a Dell
Inspiron 8000 running Windows ME on Oct. 20, 2022. I currently use the Neocities source editor as well as KompoZer for most updates. Actively building my streaming setup, check my Twitch page for updates. This page was updated last on 01/12/2023.
This page has no real purpose, as of yet, just to be a vibe. Feel free to click the buttons on the side bar and follow my
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